March 24-26 Columbus, OH

Neal Bell
EOS Worldwide Implementer
EOS Worldwide
  • Leadership/BOD

    March 24 -  - EST

  • Leadership & Company Culture

    March 24 -  - EST

  • Assembling the Right Team

    March 24 -  - EST


An entrepreneur since 1999, Neal Bell has learned a great deal about what works (and what doesn’t) while running the two businesses he founded. He holds a degree in Accounting and an MBA (both from The Ohio State University), but it is his real-world operating experience that Neal wants to share with today’s business leaders.

In his early years as an entrepreneur, Neal fell into the trap of thinking he had to do everything himself and inventing every business process from scratch. The experience eventually taught him otherwise, and he wants to save you some of the stress that he experienced.

Neal discovered EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) in the early 2000s and immediately recognized it as the game-changer that it is for entrepreneurs.

Now a Professional EOS Implementer, Neal helps entrepreneurs and their leadership teams get more out of their businesses by implementing EOS' simple tools and disciplines.